Tooth loss is one of the most common dental problems that affect many but there is a great need to replace them as permanently as possible. Many people go on the believing that missing teeth only makes it trickier to eat, chew or talk but this is a complete lie. Missing teeth and tooth loss can have real consequences for the dental health if not treated properly. The unsightly gaps in the smile and the lost tooth greatly affects the way you think or feel about yourself.
It has negative effects on your personal life and shatters your confidence while inhibiting your smile. It is a cause of anxiety in people who feel embarrassed to smile in social gatherings. Although these are some important mental health and self-confidence problems due to missing teeth, one of the major consequences is something else. Basically, it is all about your jawbone and how it affects it. It might be overlooked by you but the dentist knows and understands how greatly it impacts your complete jawbone and structure.
Our teeth are surrounded by a special bone named Alveolar bone, which is one of a kind. It requires stimulation which is normally provided by the tooth roots that enables it to continue remodeling and rebuilding itself. In this manner, the jawbone stays healthy and strong. However, the loss of the tooth in the mouth can adversely affect the stimulation for alveolar one . The loss of alveolar bone begins with the loss of its width, followed by height and then bone volume. With the loss of bone, the loss of gums begins too which starts hampering the ability to eat and speak. Bone loss begins to affect your facial dimensions and makes it appear as if the face is collapsing inwards.
How to halt the bone loss?
Traditionally, missing teeth have been replaced with the help of dental bridges or removable dentures. These do not halt the bone loss and the only way to do is that simulation of the bone must be replaced. This could be done using dental implants. These are becoming the fastest popular way of replacing the teeth. Our dentists will be able to assist and advise you through this treatment which is not everyone. It has many few people suitable for it but the good news is that if you are the one, then you should definitely not fear the loss of self-esteem and self-assurance due to your recede jawbone and structure of your mouth.
At Watling Street Dental Care, we offer Free Consultations for Dental Implants. To book your appointment, please call us on 01634 648080